В 1855 году британская газета "The
Times" опубликовала ряд статей, критикующих правительство за участие
Великобритании в непопулярной среди населения Крымской войне. После этих
статей в Крым отправляется первопроходец британской фотографии и первый
официальный военный фотограф Роджер Фентон, где по заданию принца
Альберта и издателя Томаса Агню запечатляет нейтральные портреты
английских солдат и виды захваченных крымских городов - эти снимки были
опубликованы в более лояльном еженедельнике "Illustrated London News",
как ответ на критические статьи "The Times". Крымские работы Фентона
считаются первыми в военной журналистике.
Major Brandling's troop.
Cavalry camp, looking towards Kadikoi.
Captain Clifford, aide-de-camp to General Buller.
Lieutenant-Colonel Lord Burghersh, C.B.
Captain Hall, & group of the 14th.
Lieutenant General Sir John Campbell & Captain Hume, his aide-de-camp, the general sitting.
General Sir George Brown G.C.B. & officers of his staff Major
Hallewell, Colonel Brownrigg, orderly, Colonel Airey, Captain Pearson,
Captain Markham, Captain Ponsonby.
Captain Walker, 30th Regiment, reading general orders.
The artist's van.
Colonel Doherty, officers & men of the 13th Light Dragoons.
Tartar labourers.
The sanitary commission.
View of the lines of Balaclava from Guard's Hill; Canrobert's Hill in the distance.
Landing place, railway stores, Balaklava, looking up the harbour.
Zouave & officer of the Saphis.
Captain Graham & Captain Macleod, 42nd Regiment.
Hughes, lately employed on special service in Circassia (he brought the
important intelligence to the Allies at Kertch of the fall of Anapa).
A Zouave.
Lord Raglan's Head Quarters, with Lord Raglan, Marshal Pélissier, Lord Burghersh, Spahi & Aide-de-camp of Marshal Pélissier.
Lieutenant Colonel Clarke Kennedy A.D.C. to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge.
Mr. Angel, postmaster.
Two French officers, seated, and Zouave, standing with arm resting on rifle.
Sir Colin Campbell.
Quiet day in the "Mortar Battery".
H.P. Wright, principal chaplain to the forces in the Crimea &
Reverend Messieurs Wallace, Sykes, Parson, H.A. Taylor, Boudier, Parker,
Preston & Crozier.
General view of Balaklava, the hospital on the right.
Captain Andrews, 28th Regiment.
View of Balaklava, from camp of Fusilier Guards
Cossack Bay, Balaklava.
The valley of the shadow of death.
Captain Dames, Royal Artillery.
Brigadier Garrett & officers of the 46th Regiment.ьь
Group of Croats.
Major Tinley, & officers of the 39th regiment.
General Estcourt, Adj.-Gen. Major De Morel, Captain Thompson,
Lieutenant-Colonel Blane, Major Kirkland, Lieutenant-Colonel the
Honour[able] W.L. Pakenham, officers of his staff.